Saturday, March 31, 2007

AHH stress!

So..this week has sucked....this week and Next week will suck as well. There have been some good things happening this week but I have been sooo stressed out with very quickly approaching deadlines for assignments and playing responsibilities and not having either prepared well enough for them being so CLOSE..and really believing that there was no way that I could have prepared any better than I have..or managed my time better than I have thus far. I have to compose a Sonata Exposition ( that is at least 40 measures long. I have the First Tonal Area and the Second Tonal area composed..but have to write an adequate transitional phase between said areas with non diatonic chords that make sense like Augmented 6th chords, Neopolitan chords and secondary dominants. I'm not good at composing in general....I hate composing. I have a lot of respect for individuals who can compose(especially Janna!) well. I am not one of those people. My composition is due on Monday at 9:10AM...I will be spending all day tomorrow writing the rest of my Sonata and tryiyng my hardest not to throw the very pretty MACs in the College of Music Computer lab out the window..cause I hate Finale..It's a very counter-intuitive music notation program that..I have to look in the "Help" file just to copy and paste!...and by "Help" I mean...not very helpful..cause the MACs don't open PDF files the same way as I have to Google how to use the damn program...AHHH!

So I have that...

I also have to prepare a mock program for my 19th century music lit class that includes program notes for 3 19th century pieces and my own biography in like 1500 words....Sounds fun..but there is not a plethora of flute literature written in the 19th century..not like Mozart and That is due on Wednesday at 10:20AM.

I will probably, at this point, be skipping my monday night choir rehearsal this comming I can still go down to Hillsdale. Cause...well...I need it very much.

One of the great things that happened this week was...I GOT MY NEW FLUTE! it's SOOO amazing! It's a Miyazawa 401 Sterling Silver Heavywall with C# trill, offset G, B foot and D# roller. It also has a heavywall Muramatsu winglip headjoint. It cost QUITE a pretty penny..but well worth it. It does everything except julienne fries at this point. taunts me..BEGS me to play it..(which a Music Collegue who plays on a Greenhoe Bass Trombone termed it my "Yellowhoe". Yes, it's a Japanese instrument through and through. Handcrafted by some of Japan's finest Flutemakers)..but I can't cause i have no TIME! AHHH!!!

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